
Fra Nesøya 17mai
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new bill coming out this week will make the distribution of pornography created by artificial intelligence without permission illegal in america and make new legal diversity more accessible to all affected. “This bill seeks to give both criminal penalties, as well as civil liability for anyone who publishes without anyone's consent, patterns that look like explicit commercials, ”explained congressman joe morell, who is the author of the intimate image forgery prevention act. Ai-generated videos have skyrocketed due to the attractiveness and ease of use of items that enable customers to create hyper-realistic synthetic media. although the fake image of pope francis in a down jacket has made international headlines in at the heart of this year, there is a dark underside that doesn't always go public - the lion's share of deepfakes are pornographic, inconsistent, and linked to women in the first place. More: deepfake porn is on the rise challenge in the ai race environment Last year, synthetic media lawyer henry eider and concrete colleagues set out to map the state of deepfakes online. They suddenly realized that 96% of the 14,000 deepfake movie libraries found on the internet originated with pornography. Aider said. Abc news. “And listed, because these tools have become many times more real, the best ai porn generators - [] - awareness of the technologies used has really grown. And therefore i believe that in our time we live in a position where we mention probably millions of women as victims.” Deepfake pornography is often described as image-based erotic violence. This is also included in the development and release of artificial intimate images. For several years, that player would need to acquire a certain level of technical skills to sculpt artificial intelligence content, but now it is only necessary to download the accompaniment or press buttons. Now, analysts say there is a known for-profit industry that thrives on the development and transmission of digital content about sexual harassment, including web pages with hundreds of thousands of paid members. Dr. Mary ann franks, professor of driving license and president of the cyber civil rights initiative, a non-profit firm focused on combating abuse via the world wide web, explained that it's hard to fix the damage once that proposal, real or fabricated, goes public. “Is not only psychological harm, severe depression, anxiety, but also economic consequences, since it has the ability to lead to further harassment online or offline, requiring some victims to invest. In terms of security, either change how they go to work or school,” she added. More: washington state bill will ensure that “deepfake” political advertising is impossible “My face has been electronically superimposed an unlimited number of times on the naked bodies of alien humanity to start interesting information where i didn’t interfere with consent in the slightest,” jibi, a popular youtube blogger, said in videos that she published in 2022. “Movies with me, which i hardly created, were viewed, distributed and sold. It was used to threaten and humiliate me in a desire to take power away from me. And my reality is not unique,” she added. In a tearful video, twitch streamer qt cinderella describes how she learned she was the target of digital images of abuse and

“I can’t spend money to remove paving stones, can’t yet be part of my image - this can’t be something that you can do through the world wide web,” she said earlier before the end of the summer.
Experts like dr. Franks agree that the burden of seeking justice cannot be placed on the victim, but more needs to be done to deter criminals.
The security of civilian driver's licenses in cyberspace has always been about trying to contain that kind of attitude before it starts, franks told abc news.“And that's really impossible to do unless you have a clear criminal injunction that makes people worry that if they do what they're supposed to do, they'll face serious penalties.”

That's what rep. Morell hopes achieve with its new law. “This [bill] means specifically to those users who post such a product that such a thing is no longer a free ride, that people cannot be potentially protected from prosecution. Then they will not be protected from related claims,” he added.